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Guest post, contribute to eurtopln.com [EUR To PLN - Euro To PLN Rate And Conversion]
We welcome guest post contributors on our website. If you are an expert in one of the fields covered on our website, and want to provide useful information to our readers, while being credited as a guest blogger on our platform, please contact us.
Guest posts are a great way to help the web expand, by creating content related value and bringing websites together, while bringing more values to the visitors.
Which topics are we interested in?
See below our website title, our website description, and the main general meta keywords used by our website - we are mostly interested in articles revolving around these topics covered on our website:
- Euro To PLN Rate And Conversion
- Get the current Euros to Polish złotys conversion rate with our real time convertor, based on ECB latest EUR to PLN conversion rate.
- Mobile app
- Articles
- EUR, PLN, EUR to PLN, EUR - PLN conversion, Euros, Złotys, Polish złotys, Euros to Polish złotys, Euros to Złotys, Euros to Złotys conversion
How to guest post for us?
In order to guest post for us, write us an email including all the necessary information.
What we require for a guest post is the following information:
- Your track record of writing great content,
- A genuine article of 1000 words or more containing detailed an unique insight about a specific topic, that have not been published elsewhere, only contains unique content, for which you will transfer us the owning rights, and agree to never publish elsewhere or reuse in any form, except using an excerpt to link to the article published on our website,
- At least an image related to the post topic, that must have been created and owned by you, and released in the public domain - or a related 'free for commercial use including modification' license,
- At least four links in the article that relates to the topic and will bring value to our readers, ideally one to your site, 2+ to other publishing sites articles for relevancy, 1+ link to third party authority source,
- The list of keywords targeted by the article.
Be credited in the guest post
In order to be credited in your guest post on our website, please also include the following information:
- Your display name as you want it to appear on our website,
- Your company name or organization,
- Your role within this organization,
- A link to the organization website,
- A short bio of less than fifty words,
- A link to a small headshot or icon picture, ideally 150x50px.